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Information security is critical for your business - here are five reasons why.

Many people think that information security is something that is nice to have for a business, and something to consider if there is extra money in the year’s budget.

However, with an increasing amount of data being made available online and the escalating risk of cyber-attacks, information security is now an essential requirement for all companies.

1. It helps your clients put their trust in you.

If you store, process or control customer data, you need to show that you have processes in place to look after it and ensure it is consistent, has integrity and is available – at all times.

2. It helps you maintain compliance.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into being in 2018 and means that businesses across Europe must take extra measures to protect sensitive customer information.

3. It helps ensure business continuity.

Hackers attack businesses roughly once every 40 seconds, so you not only need to protect against potential risk but know how to put things right if the worst happens.

4. It supports remote working.

2020 has been the year of working from home. It’s currently estimated that up to 40% of the workforce have swapped their suits and ties for jogging bottoms and slippers!

5. It provides a framework for growth.

We all are looking for new ways to bring in new opportunities and having information security measures in place can help to escalate your business to the next level.

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